Student Reps


Students have an opportunity to voice their own and other students’ perspectives within the school community. Decision making processes are taught and practised. Class meetings and Circle Time are held so that students can give information and staff can gain opinions of all students.

Recommendations from decisions made by student reps can be taken to staff (via Staff meetings), to other students (via Circle Time/Class Meetings) and to parents (via Governing Council).

Student Reps work in teams to play a significant role in improving school life for students at Kirton Point Primary School.

In providing an avenue for student voice, various skills are developed including leadership, public speaking, teamwork, decision making, organisation, planning and evaluating skills as well as developing confidence in self.

Student reps are self – nominated and are usually upper primary students.

Useful links:

101 Reasons we love Kirton Point Primary School by the students

(Download PDF, xxKB)

Student Reps are required to:

– Fill out an application form
– Be involved in a leadership course
– Attend fortnightly team meetings
– Represent all students’ views and opinions in meetings
– Report to classes as necessary
– Be a positive, cooperative team member
– Promote school values and be an appropriate role model for the students of KPPS
– Help with and participate in a variety of school activities and events


In the past Student Reps have been divided into 3 teams:
Student Wellbeing Team, School Events Team and School Improvements Team
Possible activities Student Reps could be involved in include:


* Values education involvement and   promotion

* Conduct surveys in regards to student’s perceptions of wellbeing at KPPS

* Promotion of healthy eating within the school: canteen involvement, healthy market days, nude food days etc.

* Staff v Students competitions

* Sports Day organisation and involvement

* Lunch time activities

* Yoga workshops

* Wheels days

* Fundraisers within the school including wheels days, crazy hair and casual clothes days, (e.g. for our foster child Nthenya from Kenya and for our school canteen)

Organisation and coordination of school social events

Involvement in organisation of whole school celebrations: Culture Week, Harmony Day Kirton Point’s Got Talent, Reconciliation Week etc.

Student Rep team building days




Survey students to determine the needs/wants in regard to school improvements

Monitor equipment and resources

School uniform follow up and new ideas

Recycling & yard tidiness roles & responsibilities






All student reps are involved with school assemblies and support other members of the school community with activities and events.

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